Friday 2 December 2011

The growth of youth unemployment

Employment is said to be at its highest level in 17 years. The jobs market is a subject that features heavily in society's attitude towards higher education. Some say that many degrees do not lead to jobs, therefore are worthless in the world of work. Others say that in order to even have a chance in the competitive market, a degree is an absolute. In any case, unemployment is a real concern for today's alumni, with up to a quarter of graduates without full-time jobs, three years after graduating. Furthermore, many are in minimum wage jobs, much below their levels of training. However, the government has recently vowed to create more job opportunities for graduates and youths alike.

Data source: DWP Press Office
View Youth unemployment in a larger map

The map above shows the number of 18-24 year-olds claiming Jobseeker's Allowance in October 2011.
The green areas show where claimant numbers are the lowest in comparison to the UK average, in yellow areas there is a generally lower than average amount of claimants, in orange, numbers are on or above the UK average, and in red, they are considerable more.

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