Wednesday, 7 December 2011

What's the value of a degree?: Chris Ashurst

Job: Self employed, Pest Control Company
Left education: 1974

"I never had the opportunity to study for exams at school because I had to go to work from a very early age to earn money for family. I think that is when my real education started; I found out that if you had the right approach towards people and were willing to listen, work hard, you would get rewarded.

I would say that it comes down to the individual and what they want to gain from their time at university. I have several friends who studied hard at uni and ended up working in an office environment and being told what to do 5 days a week for very little money. But they say they enjoyed there time at uni; doing very little but partying and smoking dope.

If two people go for an interview and one has been to uni and has good qualifications but a bad attitude and lack of manners, and the other person has a better personal manner, asks the right questions and has some working knowledge and experience, as an employer, I would be willing to take on the person without the certificate. After all, a degree may not mean you can do the job!!

I think tuition fees are a lot of money and it will take time to pay back. Having been working for myself most of my life, if I had the chance again to go to uni, would I go? The answer is no. Learning about life and work is being out there and doing it and working your way up to what you want!! A degree or two will not make you a different person than you are inside. It just takes longer for you to get want you want in life.

There are many very successful men and women out there who have no qualification at all, but they became millionaires because they worked at it!! I had lunch today with a friend who is a multimillionaire; he always sat at the back of the class and has only ever passed one test and that was a driving test!!  And his secret was never take NO as an answer."

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